students7Building Up the Student

“In this battlefield, a man has no greater weapon than his intelligence, no greater strength than that of his heart.”
– Jose Rizal

At The Meridian, building up each student means acquainting him with greatness. To have an edge in a highly competitive world, he has to sharpen his mind, empower his character, expand his world, and deepen his roots.

Vision – the ability to see beyond the present and triumph against all odds
Armed with a goal, The Meridian student charges onward and perseveres in the midst of learning and training challenges.

Vitality – the zest for life, self-directed learning, and excellence
Enthusiasm powerfully propels any learning experience. The Meridian student fully embraces all opportunities that allow him to feed his insatiable curiosity and to discover problems and solutions.

Vocation – translating one’s fullest potential and personal niche into service for others
To serve others must be the driving motivation of The Meridian student in everything he does. The end in mind is to be a positive contribution to his nation.


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